NOTICE TO PROCEED: Digitization, Upgrading, and Updating of Tax Map, Various Barangays, Tabaco City under Contract ID No. 025-12-2020-GOODS
2020, Bids and Awards
- Posted by: [
Melissa Biron]
Project Name: Digitization, Upgrading, and Updating of Tax Map, Various Barangays, Tabaco City under Contract ID No. 025-12-2020-GOODS Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 6,200,000.00 Name of Winning Bidder: Bergonio Geomatics & Construction Amount of Contract as Awarded: Php 5,000,000.00 Contract / Purchase Order: Contract-Agreement-ID-No.-025-12-2020-GOODSDownload Notice to Proceed: NTP-ID-No.-025-12-2020-GOODSDownload more...
NOTICE OF AWARD: Digitization, Upgrading, and Updating of Tax Map, Various Barangays, Tabaco City under Contract ID No. 025-12-2020-GOODS
2020, Bids and Awards
- Posted by: [
Melissa Biron]
Project Name: Digitization, Upgrading, and Updating of Tax Map, Various Barangays, Tabaco City under Contract ID No. 025-12-2020-GOODS Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 6,200,000.00 Name of Winning Bidder: Bergonio Geomatics & Construction Amount of Contract as Awarded: Php 5,000,000.00 Notice of Award: NOA-ID-No.-025-12-2020-GOODSDownload more...
NOTICE OF AWARD: Supply of Labor, Materials and Equipment for the Construction / Improvement of San Roque Port, Brgy. San Roque, Tabaco City under Contract ID No. 026-12-2020-INFRA
2020, Bids and Awards
- Posted by: [
Melissa Biron]
Project Name: Supply of Labor, Materials and Equipment for the Construction / Improvement of San Roque Port, Brgy. San Roque, Tabaco City under Contract ID No. 026-12-2020-INFRA Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 38,799,635.52 Name of Winning Bidder: 3RB Construction & Supply / Infra Builders & Sellers Philippines (Joint Venture) Amount of Contract as Awarded: Php 38,401,636.11 Notice of Award: NOA-Contract-ID-No.-026-12-2020-INFRADownload more...
NOTICE OF AWARD: Negotiated Procurement (Emergency Cases): Supply & Delivery of Various Generator Set, Various Barangays, Tabaco City, under Contract ID No. 029-12-2020-GOODS
2020, Bids and Awards
- Posted by: [
Melissa Biron]
Project Name: Supply & Delivery of Various Generator Set, Various Barangays, Tabaco City, under Contract ID No. 029-12-2020-GOODS Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 1,855,110.00 Name of Winning Supplier: MMC Marketing Amount of Contract as Awarded: Php 1,851,550.00 Notice of Award: NOA-Various-Generator-Set-Contract-ID-No.-029-12-2020-GOODSDownload Contract / Purchase Order: Purchase-Order-Various-Generator-Set-Contract-ID-No.-029-12-2020-GOODSDownload Notice to Proceed: NTP-Various-Generator-Set-Contract-ID-No.-029-12-2020-GOODSDownload more...
NOTICE TO PROCEED: Negotiated Procurement (Emergency Cases): Supply of Labor, Materials and Equipment for the Improvement of Various Public Buildings (City Hall and City Mall), Various Barangays, Tabaco City, Contract ID No. 021-11- 2020-INFRA
2020, Bids and Awards
- Posted by: [
Melissa Biron]
January 20, 2021 Project name: Negotiated Procurement (Emergency Cases): Supply of Labor, Materials and Equipment for the Improvement of Various Public Buildings (City Hall and City Mall), Various Barangays, Tabaco City Contract ID No. 021-11-2020-INFRA Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 34,492,372.57 Contract Duration: 240 calendar days Awardee: Jag-Vail Construction & Supply Address: Aeroville Subd. P-2, Brgy. 40 Cruzada, Legazpi City Contract Amount: Php 34,464,629.02 Award Date: December 10, 2020 Procced Date: January 15, 2021 Contract-Agreement-ID-No.-021-11-2020-INFRADownload Notice to Proceed-ID-No.-021-11-2020-INFRADownload more...
Project Name: Supply & Delivery of Various Agricultural Equipment, City Agricultural Office, Tabaco City under Contract ID No. 019-11-2020-GOODS Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 1,490,000.00 Name of Winning Bidder: AIMS Agri Ventures, Inc. Amount of Contract as Awarded: Php 1,311,888.00 Contract / Purchase Order: Contract-Contract-ID-No.019-11-2020-GOODSDownload Notice to Proceed: NTP-Contract-ID-No.019-11-2020-GOODSDownload more...
NOTICE OF AWARD: Supply & Delivery of Office Table for MRF/RCA and Sanitary Landfill Office
2020, Bids and Awards
- Posted by: [
Melissa Biron]
Project Name: Supply & Delivery of Office Table for MRF/RCA and Sanitary Landfill Office Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 72,000.00 Name of Winning Supplier: Magic 8 Enterprises Amount of Contract as Awarded: Php 66,900.00 Notice of Award: 20-0945-NOADownload Contract / Purchase Order: 20-0945-PODownload more...
NOTICE OF AWARD: Publication of City Ordinance
2020, Bids and Awards
- Posted by: [
Melissa Biron]
Project Name: Publication of City Ordinance Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 71,820.00 Name of Winning Supplier: The Bicol Regional Weekly Digest Amount of Contract as Awarded: Php 70,308.00 Notice of Award: 20-0954-NOADownload Contract / Purchase Order: 20-0954-PODownload more...
NOTICE OF AWARD: Fabrication, Supply & Installation of 22 units Steel Fence (Painted with Epoxy Primer) for Market Extension, Brgy. Divino Rostro, Tabaco City
2020, Bids and Awards
- Posted by: [
Melissa Biron]
Project Name: Fabrication, Supply & Installation of 22 units Steel Fence (Painted with Epoxy Primer) for Market Extension, Brgy. Divino Rostro, Tabaco City Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 280,434.00 Name of Winning Supplier: Brightkey Development & Construction Amount of Contract as Awarded: Php 280,236.00 Notice of Award: 20-0956-NOADownload Contract / Purchase Order: 20-0956-PODownload more...
NOTICE OF AWARD: Supply & Delivery of Communication Parts & Accessories
2020, Bids and Awards
- Posted by: [
Melissa Biron]
Project Name: Supply & Delivery of Communication Parts & Accessories Approved Budget for the Contract: Php 79,620.00 Name of Winning Supplier: Anascomm Electronics Supply, Inc. Amount of Contract as Awarded: Php 75,900.00 Notice of Award: 20-0941-NOADownload Contract / Purchase Order: 20-0941-PODownload more...